Aquarius (Aqr) The Water Bearer
Aquila (Aql) The Eagle
Capricornus (Cap) The Sea Goat
Cepheus (Cep) Cepheus, King of Ethiopia
Corona Australis (CrA) The Southern Crown
Coronas Borealis (CrB) The Northern Crown
Cygnus (Cyg) The Swan
Delphinus (Del) The Dolphin
Equuleus (Equ) Little Horse
Lacerta (Lac) The Lizard
Lyra (Lyr) The Harp
Pegasus (Peg) The Winged Horse
Piscis Austrinus (PsA) The Southern Fish
Sagitta (Sge) The Arrow
Sagittarius (Sgr) The Archer
Scutum (Sct) The Shield
Vulpecula (Vul) The Fox
Aquila (Aql) The Eagle
Capricornus (Cap) The Sea Goat
Cepheus (Cep) Cepheus, King of Ethiopia
Corona Australis (CrA) The Southern Crown
Coronas Borealis (CrB) The Northern Crown
Cygnus (Cyg) The Swan
Delphinus (Del) The Dolphin
Equuleus (Equ) Little Horse
Lacerta (Lac) The Lizard
Lyra (Lyr) The Harp
Pegasus (Peg) The Winged Horse
Piscis Austrinus (PsA) The Southern Fish
Sagitta (Sge) The Arrow
Sagittarius (Sgr) The Archer
Scutum (Sct) The Shield
Vulpecula (Vul) The Fox